At the Co-op, community is everything! In addition to GIVE! Round Up donations, a portion of our annual budget is set aside to support organizations committed to creating a healthy and vibrant community. The Co-op is here to help through monetary donations, event-based partnerships, and more. Learn more about our community partners below, request a donation, or get in touch about other opportunities for us to partner up.
Steve O’Neil Apartments
The Steve O’Neil Apartments were created specifically to provide housing and services for families with children who had experienced long-term or recurrent homelessness. In addition to providing 44 units of permanent supportive housing for families, the Steve O’Neil building includes CHUM’s 6-unit Emergency Family Shelter. Learn more.
With donations of money from community members, rallied together by Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, and donations of food from Whole Foods Co-op, Burrito Union and Duluth Grill we were able to feed students during school district breaks at the Steve O’Neil Apartments.
“On behalf of the staff and tenants at the Steve O’Neil apartments, I thank you for this tremendous donation. The gift of this food is helping us beyond what words can express. The food that the ISD709 has provided has been a staple for many of our families and without this provision many of our children do not get the meals they need when school is not in session.” – Amy Swensen, Site Director at Steve O’Neil Apartments
Chester Bowl Improvement Club
Chester Bowl Improvement Club reaches underserved community members and promotes healthy living through their accessible ski and snowboard programs.
Executive Director Dave Schaeffer says he’s excited to use the Co-op donation to provide even more winter scholarships for their ski and snowboard programs with the help of the Co-op. Learn more.
Black Liberation Lab
The vision for Black liberation centers on a community of interdependency in which we have authorship of our narratives, lifelong creative freedom, and transformative healing and protection. Learn more.
The Co-op is proud to support the Black Liberation Lab, which is a newly formed community organization focused on co-creating solutions for Black liberation with and in the community.
Zeitgeist is a nonprofit arts and community development organization. They are committed to growing and sustaining a community that is inclusive, diverse, and equitable; artistic and vibrant; environmentally conscious; and a place where every individual can thrive. Working in partnership across our region, Zeitgeist connects like-minded organizations and people to collaboratively create programs that make lasting change. Zeitgeist is about enhancing and enriching the life of our community. They offer artists a venue to earn income from their work, and encourage them to be bold by offering them a venue free of censorship, judgment, or restriction. They support the local economy by committing to purchase from local farmers, businesses, and craftspeople. Learn more.
Damiano Center
The Damiano Center was built by the community for the community. It is the largest emergency meal provider in Northeastern Minnesota and has the largest free store in Duluth. We also offer children’s programming, a clothing program specifically for people seeking employment, and we provide referrals and other basic assistance as well. Learn more.
In June 2020, the Co-op stretched the positive impact of GIVE round up by matching shopper donations for their Community Kitchen. The match helped Damiano meet the increased demand for meals and cover some of the new costs associated with running their meal programs outside.
Duluth Community School Collaborative
The Duluth Community School Collaborative (DCSC) works with children and youth holistically in the context of their family, their school, and their community. Their mission is to foster community partnerships promoting wellness and school success for youth and families; creating a community of life-long learners that embraces diversity. Learn more.
In spring 2020, DCSC hosted an Open House for K-12 students and families of Myers-Wilkins Elementary School, Lincoln Park Middle School and Denfeld High School. Whole Foods Co-op supported the event by providing free grab & go meals and our amazing Deli team prepped 250 healthy meals! This event was a great way to meet the Community School principals and staff and for families to get involved in making the change they want to see in our community schools.
Mentor Duluth
The mission of Mentor North is to celebrate youth and support their families through one-on-one mentorship and community engagement. They celebrate youth and families’ individual stories and welcome mentors from a variety of identities and backgrounds. Their goal is to create a vibrant and inclusive mentorship community. Learn more.
Junior League of Duluth
The Junior League of Duluth is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Sax-Zim Bog
Long known among serious birders as THE place to find northern owls and finches in winter and warblers and other boreal birds in summer, the Sax-Zim Bog is a “magic mix” of habitats that attracts a unique array of species not found in other parts of the United States.
But it’s not just birds. Friends of Sax-Zim Bog Head Naturalist Clinton Dexter-Nienhaus has been compiling a master list of all species seen in the area, and the list is now over 2,400 species and is growing every year! They have recorded over 500 species of moth, around 360 species of wildflowers, over 120 species of grass and sedge, nearly 100 species of spider, 84 species of dragonfly and damselfly, 81 species of butterfly, almost 80 species of lichen, and 37 species of fish, just to name a few groups! Every year they get visitors that wish to experience some of this non-bird biodiversity, through specific visits or by attending field trips and education events like their BioBlitz!
Located an easy 50-minute drive north west of Duluth, Minnesota, the Sax-Zim Bog is easily accessible by many dirt and paved roads.
Community Action Duluth
One Roof Community Housing
One Roof Community Housing is a non-profit organization committed to providing housing services and building and sustaining affordable homes and healthy neighborhoods. They were formed by the merger of Northern Communities Land Trust and Neighborhood Housing Services in 2012.
North Star Black Cooperative Fellowship
The North Star Black Cooperative Fellowship (North Star) is a six-month fellowship focused on Black American Cooperative Economics. The North Star is centered on the history of Black cooperative economic thought and practice. We place priority on applicants who share the ancestry of Enslaved Africans in the United States and place value on their legacy of cooperative economics and collective care.